Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We've got the "Time Change Blues"

This daylight savings time kind of snuck up on us.  I didn't even realize it until one of the kids told me it was on their calendar.  Whoops!  For some reason, losing an hour has really thrown us off our routine. 

We didn't get home from St. Augustine until late Saturday night, and by the time we got everyone in bed, it was past midnight with the time change.  We still got up at our usual time on Sunday for Mass, but we were all dragging.  Every single one of us was tired all day Sunday.  The girls worked extra hard last week on school work, so were ahead for this week, so we took Monday off to ease back into routine.  It was nice to have a relaxing day around the house.  Everything got picked up and prepared for Tuesday morning. 

Except for us.  We were not ready.  Everyone over-slept from our usual time and we got started way later than we normally do.  Not a problem with home schooling, since we are on our own schedule, but I was still surprised by how thrown off we are by a measly hour change.  I am noticing that we aren't even hungry at the new times we would have meals, but rather an hour later.  Last night's dinner was way late because even though it was made, no one was hungry. 

I have got to get back on track.  After school work was done and we had some afternoon quiet time (something I have instituted partly because living in such close quarters, we really need a designated time where people have some time to themselves and have a break from each other), the girls went outside for some fresh air, roller skating, and jogging.  I made dinner, they came in and we ate.  Chores were finished up and baths taken and we were actually ready for evening prayers at a reasonable time.  They had enough time for some reading before bed, and I now have some down time as well.  My goal is to get to bed myself at a reasonable hour so I can wake myself up on time and make sure everyone else is as well. 

I'd love to hear how the time change affects others, and what you do to help.  We don't normally have any big difference (other than mom and dad being tired from missing an hour of sleep) but this time is different for some reason.  I am pondering why.  The only thing different is that we had a late Saturday and a busy weekend with our trip. 

1 comment:

  1. For you the whirlwind trip full of excitement and sight seeing and not quite so full of sleep might be the biggest contributor to the harder adjustment to the time change this year.
    For me Florida weather does NOT help with the time change. This year we seemed to do OK Sunday and Monday but Tuesday it his us like a brick. In the fall the time change never seems like such a big deal but in the spring I usually try to keep us busy in the afternoon to wear us out then mellow in the evening to allow us to settle in to bed at the "new" time.
    Also, my boys always go up to bed an hour before lights out and that helps them to unwind. That is especially helpful this week and I have actually been sending them up a little bit sooner to allow more unwind/quiet time. The biggest thing is patience. In a couple weeks everything will be back to normal. Just have to tough it out.
