Friday, March 14, 2014

Meat Free Fridays - Pi Day!

Since today is Pi day (3-14) we are going to have celebrate it with dinner "pies" (because we are nerdy like that).  I actually had something else planned on the menu that was not pie-like, but last night, Mr. Cat came home from his Knights of Columbus meeting with a dozen fresh eggs from a friend.  I want to make sure to use them up in a tasty way, so we are having a crust-less broccoli and cheese quiche.  I think it fits along nicely with the theme.

I will sauté the broccoli in a pan with some onion, and then put that on the bottom of a pie dish.  I will beat up the eggs (not sure exactly how many we will use, since the eggs are of varying sizes) along with some herbs and some cheese and pour over the broccoli.  Then it just bakes at 350 until the eggs have set, usually between 30-45 minutes.  Breakfast for dinner is something we love here, and quiche is always a yummy dish!

Mini me is making an apple crumb pie for Pi day dessert.  (No one in our family gave up sweets for Lent.)  I told her she should cut the pie into 3.14 oz. slices.  She kind of glared at me after that.  I kind of wonder if we are the only geeky family who does something fun for Pi day.  I probably don't want to know the answer. 

*And as the nerds we all are, we are more excited for next year when the date will be 3-14-15.  Told you we were nerdy!*

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