Thursday, March 6, 2014


I am not sure if  any of you noticed the comment I had earlier today on my last post, Pauper's Soup.  I felt now was a good time to clarify some things.

First and foremost, I do not feel the need to justify my choices before anyone other than my family and God.  If I choose to do so, it is by personal choice, not by necessity.  If questions are directed at me in a mature manner, I will try my best to respond to them accordingly.  As of this time, I will not delete comments that disagree with my beliefs, unless they are blasphemous to my faith, contain profanities, or are an outright personal attack.  I stand by my words.  I am not writing anything in my blog posts that I would not say to God Himself.  I do not expect everyone I know to agree with me or even support my choices.  I do ask that if you have something to comment, you do so in a way that is mature and respectful.  I will try my best to be respectful as well.  If you feel I haven't, please let me know.  I am not perfect and as always, I am a work in progress. 
 I will always do my best to stand up to my failings and do what I can to correct them. 

I knew that when I opened up the comments to allow un-moderated and anonymous comments that I was taking a risk of having someone respond in a way that comes across as unfriendly or rude.  I am okay with that.  I am always up for discussion and even respectful debate.  I didn't expect it so soon, especially given that the target audience of my blog posts are my "friends", so I was a bit taken back by the visceral comment I received, but did my best to respond point by point. 

If you have any questions or comments about my intentions, please feel free to ask.  I would urge you, especially if you are one of my facebook "friends" to not be anonymous in your postings and to stand by your words as well.

On a last note:  Yes, I am Catholic and this blog is about my Catholic life.  If you are anti-Catholic, you probably won't enjoy reading my blog. 


  1. Oh girl, don't put so much effort into one negative person. That person is only pointing fingers to keep from looking at whatever it is they hate about him or herself, which is why they were anonymous, so no one else could look at and point at those hated flaws. They won't listen to anything you say anyway, I know from experience of being a hateful, scared person.

    Anyway, I'm glad you removed the requirements for commenting cuz I hate signing into stuff.
    Love you!!

    1. Oh, it didn't take much effort, lol. And I do realize the reasoning behind why the person remained anonymous and why they had such a negative strong reaction to my thoughts about my own personal life. C'est la vie. I am pretty boring person and it was a bit surprising to see such a comment. And just for you, I will keep my requirements off, lol. Love you too!

  2. What they said has nothing to do with you and everything to do with how they feel about themselves. If they were a concerned friend pointing out flaws in your faith, they wouldn't have felt the need to hide behind "Anonymous". The cloak was so they could say hateful things to make you question what you do. Nothing about your blog is boastful or on display so that everyone can congratulate what a great Christian you are, so ignore what they said. It's your blog, of course you're going to write about your life and your beliefs. That's what you have it for! Writing in your blog has nothing to do with giving up Facebook for Lent. Just ignore everything they said and smile. Their ridiculous accusations are absolutely, 100% not worth a moment of your time.

    1. This is true. I even looked back through some of my posts to look at it from another angle to see if I came across in that way, and I honestly didn't see it. And yes, it is about my life and my beliefs, and anyone who knows me well enough knows that I am Catholic and not shy about it, and that my faith is huge part of how I live my life.

      And really, the comment would have made more sense on my actual blog about giving up Facebook for Lent, rather than on a blog post about soup, but I guess when one is hiding behind the veil of anonymity, one doesn't pay attention to such details. ;)

  3. I'm the same person who commented on the previous post. I wanted to let you know that the comment I left was not intended to be malicious or hateful. Instead, I wanted to show you what is being seen from the eyes of an outsider. I respect your decision to be who you are and life the life you deem appropriate. I had no intention to talk about "flaws" in your faith. It has nothing to do with that. I don't belief that faith has flaws because it's a personal matter.You are right, however, that the anonymous is a cloak. Sometimes it can be hard to express to someone how you feel especially when you do care about that person. I'm glad you have friends who are willing to stick up for you, but they do not know who I am or where this is coming from. I do not hate myself nor tell you these things to make myself feel better. Like I said, I feel like I needed to tell you what an outsider could see as they read your blog.

    1. There are many things an "outsider" can see when viewing someone's personal writings. That doesn't mean that they are accurate. Anyone who reads anything is doing so through the lens of their very own life and experience. The truth is, no one walks in my shoes but me. No one knows the inner workings of my mind other than myself (as best as I can) and my creator. Faith is an especially touchy subject because it is so very personal. What I see as piously (in a good way) living my faith, someone else may see as being boastful. All that matters to me is that God knows my intentions.

    2. You've also mentioned numerous times how you want a mature conversation yet you continue to make rude and disrespectful comments. Again, you want people to follow your example to get closer to God, but that's really hard to do when your actions aren't showing me a godly example. Again, this isn't to be hateful. Just something I thought I'd add after reading your comments.

    3. You and I obviously disagree on matters of faith, and that is okay with me. I know for me, that what I believe is correct. I also thought I knew what was correct for the majority of my protestant life. Now I believe something differently. I pray daily that I am on the right path. As for the anonymous cloak, if you do care about me, and you are my true friend, and truly know me, and you are truly speaking from a heart of concern, then I would still urge you to step from behind that cloak and come to me personally and tell me. If you do know me well, you would know that I welcome all constructive criticism, and I do not expect everyone in my life to agree with me, and I am okay with that.

      I am curious as to why you feel the need to tell me what an outsider could see. Care to elaborate why you feel it is important?

    4. Please tell me what I am saying that you feel is rude and disrespectful. I am honestly not seeing it. I would love to know. I am not trying to be condescending, I just truly don't see what I have said that is disrespectful or rude.

    5. Also, it is not my example I expect anyone to follow to get to God. Please point out where I have said that, in case I am mistaken. I am not sure what ungodly example I am giving. I'd love an example from you, since you seem to have some. I am just trying to do my best to live the best life I can. I am not sure how many times I have to point out that I am far from perfect, and have never said I am. I am on my own path. I obviously have people who are interested in reading about that path. If you are not one of them, then please feel free to move on.

    6. 1. I feel the need to express my concerns because a blog is not a private diary. People can read this and when someone calls himself/herself a Catholic I would assume they would want people to be lead to Christ. If this blog is to let people know what you're doing, they can call you...which seemed to be the whole point of giving up Facebook. Not only to stop comparing yourself to others, but to develop closer relationships with the people you care about. If this is meant as a personal journal, it should be personal; not for anyone's eyes but your own, would you agree?
      2. "I also thought I knew what was correct for the majority of my protestant life." --> So are you stating that protestants are wrong?
      3. I find it disrespectful and rude that you referred to my previous comment as "visceral."
      4. "Also, it is not my example I expect anyone to follow to get to God"
      -> The Bible states that you should know them by their fruit. Although your blog is not intended to be for the use of Evangelism, isn't still a part of your "fruit?"
      Ungodly is the wrong term and I apologize for that. I'm surprised that my observations and statements were highly frowned upon. Using words like "visceral" and making comments like "but I guess when one is hiding behind the veil of anonymity, one doesn't pay attention to such details" don't show me love. Isn't that the whole purpose of Christianity in general? Love Jesus and love your neighbor. I've read the Bible too. I know what it says and I stand firmly by my beliefs as well.

    7. Anonymous, again, I will address your comments point by point. It may take a while, but I will let you know when I am done.

      1. I disagree with you. My blog can be whatever I wish for it to be. If I want to use it as a place to let out my personal feelings, I am free to do so. If you do not like to read it, you can feel free not to click on my link. This blog is my own personal thoughts and beliefs and really, just about my life. If you read the beginning entry, and also my little bit about me, it is pretty explanatory. I speak for no one but myself. Of course I want people to be lead to Christ. I never said I was a great evangelist. I am a realist and I am human, and I possess many flaws, but that isn't going to stop me from talking about my life. This exact blog has nothing to do with me giving up Facebook for Lent. I actually have a blog dedicated to that exact purpose. Perhaps you might want to post your comments there, as you seem very concerned with why I am giving up Facebook.

    8. I have stated various reasons I am giving up Facebook by the way. There are others that I haven't mentioned. Just because you read what I post does not necessarily mean that you are entirely in the know. Such is the nature of blog posts, facebook, all social media, really, you only see a portion. I try not to judge people on the portion I see because that isn't always the entire picture. And again, the purposes, whether to be a personal journal or just a thinktank, they are for me to choose. If you dislike what I write, you have the option of not reading it.

    9. 2. I am not saying any general statement regarding all protestants. I am speaking for myself. The prior sentence says that I know for me what is right. I never talked about other protestants. I am saying that for me, Catholicism is the right path. For me, Protestantism was not the right path, rather, a part of the grander picture. I feel that FOR ME, I am now able to fully see the entire picture. If you want to debate the finer points of Catholicism vs. Protestantism, I'd love to do so personally. I will not do it on my blog because that is not the purpose of my platform.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 3. I am sorry that you feel the word visceral was rude. I did not mean it to take on a negative light, but to mean that you had a very emotional and strong response to my blog post. One of the difficult things about communication through electronic technology is that one cannot read tone.

    4. I do believe that my blog shows my fruits. I do not believe that I have said anything that goes against my faith. I have not said a negative thing about any other group, have not been judgmental towards others, I have not spewed hatred or vitriol towards others. I am not sure exactly where I have showed anything particularly ugly. Yes, I did say that "one doesn't pay attention to such details." I have sarcasm. Sue me. Anyone who knows me well, as the friend I was responding to, knows this. It was a friendly sarcastic exchange and was not addressed to you. I don't feel that I showed you any emotion actually, not love or the opposite which I consider hate. I didn't even show you indifference. I do love Jesus, and I do love my neighbor. I would love to tell you that I love you too, personally, if I knew who you are, but since you are not affording me that luxury, you will have to suffice with an "I do love you too, despite what you think of me!" from my personal thoughts. I am glad that you have read the bible, and I am glad that you stand strongly for your beliefs, whatever they may be.

  6. Finally, I am starting to feel like you are personally attacking me. I am not sure why. I am not sure what to feel about someone a) reading so much into what I have written, and b) expressing so much negativity to me. If you feel that this is a spiritual matter, and that you are concerned for my soul, please come to me in person if you don't feel comfortable doing so here. If you believe you have an obligation to hold me accountable for my statements regarding my personal beliefs and my faith, it would hold greater weight to me if you told me who you are. I am not saying your opinions hold no weight with me, but it is hard to really get the gist of why you feel the need to say these things to me. You previously stated that people didn't know who you were or where you were coming from. If you shed some light on that, perhaps I can better defend my thoughts to you.

    1. I remain anonymous because I feel like I can't talk to you any other way. I ask questions and you see it as a personal attack. My first post was emotionally driven, and I'm sorry if it hurt you. I'm sorry if any of my posts hurt you. I don't understand why you think asking questions is a personal attack. I truly want to know how you think and why you believe what you believe. I feel like if I were to reveal my identity, it would change the nature of the conversation.

    2. Revealing your identity would not change the nature of the conversation on my end. If you feel it will on your end, then that is sad. I didn't say it was a personal attack, I said it was starting to feel that way. How else am I supposed to take it when you refuse to tell me who you are? Your posts haven't hurt me. I am confused by them, as I have gone back and re-read every single thing contained in this blog, and most of my other one (which for the record I put up when I did this two years ago) and I truly and honestly do not see what it is that I have typed that has inflamed you so.

      Again, if you truly want to know how I think and why I believe what I believe, you will have to confront me in person. That is the only way you are going to find out, and the only way we can have a real-time conversation about it (which incidentally is the only way I think I can explain myself further to you at this point). If you are someone I know, especially if you are someone on my friends list, you are not there by chance, as I am particular about who I friend. So, chances are, I care a great deal about you, and knowing that you disagree with me is not going to reflect my relationship, whatever it may be, with you. At this point, I am not sure how this conversation can be constructive any longer. You hold the edge, as anonymous, and the upper hand, and I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Who you are would have a lot to do with explaining why I believe what I believe. If I know where you are coming from, it will help me to choose words that would better convey my choices. Whoever you are, there seems to be some misunderstanding, and for that, I am truly sorry. I hope you can accept my apology and that you will eventually feel comfortable having a personal conversation. Until such time, there is really nothing left for me to say, unless you have some specific questions.

    3. One day I hope we can talk face to face.

    4. As do I, but alas, the ball is in your court. There is nothing left for me to say. However, don't be surprised at my friends' reactions when you have refused to own up to your words and defend yourself by coming off anonymous. And I can't really defend your actions to them if I don't know who you are. Surely you can understand how it looks coming from their point of view.

      I wish you nothing but peace in your life.

  7. 1. Blog (n): a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites. Please note the words own experiences, observations, and opinions. This, by definition, is what the author is doing by writing.

    2. Yes, Protestants are wrong. You don't have to like it. If you'd like to engage in a theological discussion on why, I would be more than happy to discuss the issues with you. In fact, my email address can be accessed by clicking my name.

    3. Visceral (adj): characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect;
    characterized by or dealing with coarse or base emotions; earthy; crude. Based on your initial response to the post, the word visceral was grammatically correct, as you did not apply either logic or facts in your first response to the previous blog.

    4. You are mixing apples and oranges. We are to follow and emulate Christ. In doing so, the 'fruit' you mention is made apparent. However, as Christ is in hypostatic union with God (hence the Nicene Creed states, "consubstantial with the Father"), we are never able to achieve that level of perfection. However, that is not mentioned directly in the Bible, nor is the Trinity; however I assume that you accept this as a tenant of your belief. So, if you have read the Bible, you then understand that faith without works is dead (James 2: 14-26), the Bible never states that sola scriptura is correct, the early Church had hierarchy (Acts 15), and Mary was at Pentecost (Acts 1:14), right?

  8. Oh Cat...I have so much to say. But alas, I respect you far too much to feed the troll on your blog. I love ya girl.

    1. Whodathunk it? Really. Me? This has to be the most traffic my blog has ever gotten. Feel free to feed whoever you wish. I have a great recipe for soup if you are interested. <-------Said completely in jest, because if you really do know me, you know my sarcasm.

  9. Oh, and it is easy to start to wonder if it is leaning towards personal attack when I have no clue where you are coming from. You have yet to say. I know nothing about you, yet you seem to know a ton about me. And when you are pointing out how you feel I am being un-Christ-like, or at least not at all Christ-like, and telling me how I don't show the love of Jesus, even though my main goals and purposes in life are to know, love and serve God, it is hard to not start to feel attacked. You are not merely asking questions about my beliefs, but rather, you are taking my words and then asking defensive questions about them assuming that I have ill intent. At least, that is how it is coming across. Again, I will be happy to talk to you and urge you to reconsider confronting me. I promise I will do my very best to not let it affect our relationship, again, assuming we have one.

    Speaking of fruit, I think we are at a standstill and continuing the conversation with you remaining anonymous will be utterly fruitless. I wish you well and hope you know my door is always open, without judgment. I hope you have a blessed Lenten season, whether you celebrate it or not. :)

  10. And to all who are reading, I have to note the irony that one of my goals was to have more in-depth exchanges with people than I typically do on Facebook. I say goal has been met. Today at least.

  11. The thing people have to remember is even if they don't agree with everything another person thinks, feels or believes that is OK. We are all individuals. You and I have known each other for many many years. We will never agree on everything because we are very different people but that doesn't change the fact I love you and your family. People must respect one another.
    That said, I thing you guys are doing an AWESOME job! You have 4 young ladies that are bright and able to think for themselves. They think of others and that is because of what you and Nick have taught them. Don't let the negative people get the better of you.
