Friday, March 7, 2014

Back to your regularly scheduled programming

Time to get this back to where I intended it to be.  Mr. Cat is presenting a paper tomorrow in beautiful St. Augustine.  The kiddos and I are tagging along to see the sights.  St. Augustine is a beautiful city full of culture and also importance to the Catholic Faith.  I've never been but I have heard so many wonderful things about it, and I cannot wait to go and see it for myself.  We won't be long, so I am sure we won't be able to get to everything we would like to see, but we hope to be able to come back again in the future for the rest. 

This will be the first family trip, even just an overnighter, that we have all had in over a year.  I am excited.  We need some fresh air.  We need some good quality family time.  We need a break from our surroundings.  We need some fun.  Hopefully my next post will be full of pictures. 

The girls are super excited.  One of them even packed up the day before yesterday.  Who am I kidding, I am super excited.  I had a hard time sleeping last night, and as soon as my brain started working this morning, it was all I could think about.  So thankful for this opportunity!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

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