Monday, October 21, 2013

Meat free Fridays (a little late) Bean and Potato Burritos

Usually, by the time we get to Friday, my family is done with a capital "D" and the last thing any of us feel like doing is making dinner. While I would love it to be feasible to order pizza every Friday, it is neither in the budget or very good for us. I try to keep Friday's dinner something simple and easy to prepare.

One of the staple Friday meatless recipes around here is Bean and Potato Burritos. I know it may sound weird to my non-vegetarian friends, but my family loves them, and they really do taste great. Beans are not only easy to fix, they are also easy on the budget. They make a great protein for a meatless meal. I don't have a set recipe for these, but I will give you the basics.

For the potatoes: I cube whatever variety of potato I have on hand. Reds are a favorite for this dish. I drizzle oil over them (vegetable or olive work just fine). I season them. I usually use some granulated garlic, cumin, some red pepper if I want a little spice, sometimes some adobo seasoning (make sure it is MSG free!). After mixing everything around (some people do this in a plastic baggie, some in a bowl, but I do it right in the baking dish to avoid extra mess and waste), toss some kosher salt on top, and pop it in the oven at 375. Cook until fork tender. I don't have an exact time, because it will vary based on the size of your potato pieces, but I usually check on mine after about a half hour.

For the beans: Any type of bean will do, but we love black beans in this dish. You can prepare them in the daytime in the crock pot if you are using dried beans. Just don't cook them so long they get mushy. If you are using canned beans, which I do in a pinch, please remember to rinse the beans. Since beans are on the bland side, I cut up some onions (sometimes green pepper also, depending on what I have on hand) and saute those in a pan. Then comes the seasoning. I find if I season the veg first, the seasoning is more even throughout the dish. I add in more granulated garlic, cumin, chili powder, adobo, whatever seasoning I want (sometimes I throw in some African berbere for a nice flavor). Mix the seasoning in well, and then add the beans. Mix well. You may need to add some salt, to taste. These just need to be heated through.

When beans and potatoes are done, build your tortillas. Use whatever size you like. My family loves my homemade tortillas, but most of the time, since it's a Friday and I want it to be easy, I just use store-bought tortillas. I prefer flour tortillas for this. Put on as much beans and potatoes as you like. Top with any topping you would normally use. We typically use shredded cheese, and either sour cream, or plain Greek yogurt, which we tend to always have in the fridge.

No picture this week because they were devoured faster than I could get a shot.

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