Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How do I love my life....let me count the ways - Part 4

I love being a student wife!

Okay, not all the time. You will find me griping and complaining (usually to myself or Mr. Cat) that the student life is not very conducive to raising 4 children, and it's not. It's tough. It has been crazy, hectic, and difficult in many ways. It is also a huge blessing. God has provided a way for Mr. Cat to follow his "pipe dream" and get his degree in something he is quite passionate about. It has been a point where he has been able to start pretty much from the ground up and re-create himself and his career. I am so grateful he has that opportunity. As he gets closer to a graduation date, he often asks me where I want to go. He asks me this because for now I am following along in his college dream, and for the 12 years prior to this, I followed along wherever the Army sent us. So when he asks me where I want to go, I honestly don't have an answer. I would love some place with 4 seasons. Ultimately, I want to be where God calls us to be, and since I have no definite idea of where that is for now, I just want to be where Mr. Cat is happy.

Being a student wife has also given our family some wonderful opportunities. We live close to campus, and a lot of students live in our apartment complex. Mr. Cat sees friendly faces at home and at school. He is somewhat a novel student, much older than the average student by far, but still able to connect with them due to his Army career spent training soldiers of similar ages. We had the chance to host an African student last year for his very first American Thanksgiving. It was so much fun. We also hosted him in our home for a week between semesters. We learned so much from him, and he holds such a wonderful place in the hearts of our entire family.

I love the fact that Mr. Cat is living out his dream. I love sharing his excitement over new school books (after we both get over the sticker shock, that is), and his stories of the different students he meets. I love hearing about his professors. I love checking over his papers for grammatical errors. I love seeing him so darned happy, and I cannot wait to see where this adventure takes us. So even if it's tough sometimes (okay, most times), I love being a student-wife.

P.S.  I also love hearing the girls and Mr. Cat share tales of their school days together.